Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Free Trainer | Mens Beginner Workout

My Free Trainer Mens Beginner Workout: "The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggests that all adults should take vitamins in addition to their regular diet in order to help prevent chronic diseases. Research has shown that consuming vitamins C and E as well as zinc may help lower the risk of prostate cancer. In addition, taking the optimal levels of Folic Acid and vitamins B6 and B12 may decrease your chances of developing cardiovascular disease, as well as colon and certain types of cancer. Folic Acid also plays a role in reducing neural tube defects in developing fetuses and should be taken by women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. When choosing a multivitamin, select one that contains minerals, too. Always remember to take your vitamins on a daily basis (if you only take them occasionally, it’s likely they’ll be less effective)."

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